It's a new year here at the CMQG and that means some fun things are on the horizon for our group.
At our January meeting we welcomed the new CMQG Board members and recognized the hard work of Abby (former President) and Amy (former VP) with gifts cards to our favorite fabric store, The Fabric Shack! Please welcome Amanda, Erin, and Tara as new members to the board this year!
The 2019 board includes:
President- Amanda Klesmith
Vice President- Christine Doyle
Treasurer- Erin Schelle
Secretaries/Social Media- Allie Adams & Tara Newboult
Member-at-Large- Yolanda (Yo) Whitehead
Friendly Reminders for the Guild:
-Make sure to pay your dues ($40) to Erin, checks or cash accepted!
-Sign-ups are circulating for set-up/tear-down and food/drinks for the year. If you haven't had a chance to sign-up yet, see us at the next meeting to get your name down on the list!
-We are resurrecting the CMQG library. If you have any books from our library or ones to donate, please bring to our next meeting and we will begin building our book stash again.
-Sew-Ins for the coming year have been booked at the local libraries. Additional information provided closer to the dates, but mark you calendars for:
*March 16th
*June 22nd
*October 12th
-Our QuiltCon Quilt is nearing its final preparation by Yo, see sneak peeks on our Facebook and Instagram!
-We continue to look for volunteers to help complete our B&W charity strip quilts. See Yo for further information.
-We brainstormed plans for this coming year and discussed upcoming guest speakers.
Guild Resolutions:
As we ring in the New Year we had a group discussion around what our resolutions are for 2019. We are keeping a list and checking back at our July meeting to see how everyone is doing! Here are some of the fun things our members are planning for the year:
Learn to paper piece
Complete applique Christmas Quilt
Seminal patchwork
Free Motion Quilting
Splendid Sampler Quilt
Learn to sew/quilt circles
Modern Handcraft Pivot Quilt
Finish 1 Quilt
Hand Quilting
Alison Glass Feathers Quilt
Medallion Quilt
Make a bag for the first time
Next Meeting: 13February, 7pm
Special Guest Speaker: Sherri Lynn Wood
(cost for non-members for the lecture is only $5)
She'll be presenting her Ruler-free Mashup Demo, come join us for this improv quilting expert's demo!
Show & Tell
We finished our meeting with Show & Tell!