Entering the month of June can only mean one thing: QuiltCon registration opens! Registration begins the 26th of June, we hope to see you there!
We continued our "What is Modern?" discussion by reviewing quilts members brought to see if we could reach a consensus if we think it's modern or traditional and possibly what tweaks could have been made to make it go one way or the other. Our group feels QuiltCon has more focus on "edgy" and art quilts. So some of traditional vs. modern appears to be functional vs. display.
Click through the slideshow below to see quilts up for discussion!
Abby's nine-patch: Considering this a "cute quilt", mixture of both styles. Nine-patch is a traditional pattern, but the fabrics are modern.
Amy's Christmas quilt: The group thought these types of quilts are almost in their own category, like a novelty quilt. The quilting is snowflakes, which is more traditional.
Ellen's Blue & Orange quilt: Graphic pattern and striking color, plus modern quilting and a twist on a traditional layout make this modern.
Ellen's Purple HST quilt: More traditional, perhaps moving the diamond off center would make it more modern. The scrappy fabrics also make it more modern.
Ellen's Blue College quilt: More traditional, but very modern fabrics. The secondary windmill pattern makes it more modern.
Christine's Granny Square quilt: she feels it's more traditional, but is open for modern suggestion. This is a granny square block, which is traditional. Group suggested adding a row of flying geese to help make it more modern.
Amy's Pineapple quilt: again it fits as novelty. Not modern, but it's also not traditional. However, the fabric and quilting are modern.
Ellen's Red HST quilt: the scale and scrappiness are modern. Type of block and the colors are more traditional, so this quit is also a mix.
Ellen's Laundry quilt: many traditional fabrics, but the clothes inside of the 'washing machine' are very modern. The curved piecing is also modern, as well as the pieced backing. She also used matchstick quilting, a favorite among guild members!
Michelle's Cross quilt: another novelty quilt, as it's more of a themed quilt. The group suggested more low volume fabrics or shades of solids would help make it modern. Possibly even making the placement of the crosses sporadic.
Hive 2018:
The group collected the staggered stripe bee blocks for Yo. Next month's blocks are for Erin. They are 'trip around the world' blocks. Please use a dark color in the center and blue, teal, yellow colors in the block. She also provided instructions, see pictures below!

Other Meeting Topics:
Additional cat quilt block kits available from Erin
Additional volunteers were found for b&w strip quilt blocks (Ellen, Michelle, Allie and Christine)
Postage stamp blocks were collected and a winner was drawn. Congrats Christy!
Block sign-ups and kits for the QuiltCon charity quilt were passed out. It's Flying Pig themed, but no pics just yet. We don't want to spoil the surprise. See Yo for further details!
CMQGSkyline Challenge:
In anticipation of our Skylines due in July, we reviewed the pattern and binding techniques.
Binding Discussion:
-Bias binding used for curves
-Multiple ways to attach 2 strips of binding together
-Heather Bailey has a great binding tutorial online
-Leftover thread spools make great storage for binding
-Using embroidery thread to stitch on binding makes a nice contras. Amy recommended #5, 8, or 12 pearl cotton.
-Thread conditioner helps prevent tangles
-Robert Kauffman website has a nice quilting calculator
-Elmer's glue or glue stick helps hold binding down, either for machine or hand sewing.
Show & Tell:
Next meeting: July 11 at 7pm. Join us for our Maker's Fair! Goodies and fabric for sale and a mid-year quilt show. Hope to see you there!